Palestine Dr Ayed Zatar


(Perspectives to the disastrous situation confronting the American innocent people)

By Dr. Ayed Zatar

It is very important to understand the situation and the disaster in the life of the American nation, and to Know who motivate this worst situation. The reality, there is only one motivator who contribute to this disaster situation:

“The implantation of the intruder state of Israel in the land of Palestine”, by the abusers superpower, beginning 19th century, but the culmination of disaster is the adoption of this state by the president Harry Truman 1948, when he recognized this terrorist state, and supported this, economical and military technology and in every thing which this state hopes, without the importance of the millions of human beings.

This situation present to us three important elements which contributed to the catastrophic situation confronting our nation in United States of America, these elements are:

FIRST_ The economic power of the International Zionist movements represented by the terrorist state of Israel in the Middle East.

Second_ The interference of the US administration in the politics and other aspects of interests of the other nations, consequences reflected against our American nation, and against the innocent people in this world, causing to us too many enemies, specially when our leaders who committed abuses and injustices.

Third_ The continuous support the terrorist state of Israel, causing to us confrontation and wars with the Arab and Islamic world in the middle east.

About the first element; it is very important to understand how dangerous the Zionist movements to the world, specially to the American nation, which our moral and dignity, our freedom an our stability have been involved, which our heroes sacrificed their lives and their souls.

“We need not to divest ourselves to invest others” we have to be careful !! the deficit of the united state is $385 billions; and the war in Iraq cost $ 352.498.233.850 , and the cost to support the state of Israel 30 billions a year, billons and billons the costs of the military technologies to kill humanities in this sad world.

There are many other distractive elements confronting our people in the United State: There are thousands of soldiers have post – traumatic stress disorder, a chronic condition whose symptoms include rage, depression, flashbacks, emotional numbness, and hyper vigilance. The hallmark of war against rag is going to be psychological injury, the questions is: what is about the future generation??

Other element is; how many countries or nations will hate us?? we considered just now, all of the nations in this world hate us, the evidence is very clear; lets begin from south America and central America; The leaders of, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Cuba and others who may be follow these countries, all countries of the Middle East, many countries in Africa, many others in Europe and Asia, if this Administration continuing with this disastrous policy, too much atrocities will be in the life of our American Nation, and because their supporting the state of Israel.

We remember that before 40 years ago the American citizenship walked in every where in this world, where the people looking to him with lovely and respectfully as a king, without any problem, but in this time it is very danger to walk in the street in any area in this world.

We understand that the continuous administration is marionette of the Zionist movement who dominate all the institution systems of the United States of America.

The background of the Zionism; this movement born in Europe under the leadership of Theodor Hertzel, who create this movement under this name of “The International Zionist movements”. They organized in every country in this world, a movement as branch to the central directive of this movement who centralized in New York.

They contribute to the disastrous holocaust in German against the Jews communities, when they tried to foment immigration of the Jews to Palestine to comply with their secret plan together with British colonialism government, they took out their capital from German which obligate Hitler to persecute the Jews, and specially when he felt the dangerous, he persecute all the collectivity of the Jews, where he Killed too many of them.

On behalf of the Zionism economic power they will drive the international community to the catastrophic, specially to our American nation, because their obedience of the group of administration to the central Zionism movement represented by the terrorist state of Israel in the meddle east.

The Zionism movement caused all of the conflicts and wars, for example, the first and the second world wars, were invented by them, to accumulate more and more of capitals, although over the deaths of the peoples.

The Zionism used the leaders of the United States to recruit the leaders of all Arabic and Islamic countries and the third world, they boat those leader’s conscious, to support their demand.

In this case the American leaders changed many leaders of the other countries, interfering in the politic of other countries, without consideration of the future administration of that or those countries who will rebels to obtain their liberty and independence.

We have not to forget that, how the Zionist movements contributed to the economic crisis of the United States of America, 1928-30, and the other one 1954, where they took their capital, closing their banks and transferred their capital to other countries where the manpower are cheaper.

Following these crisis 1973, this on behalf of their culpability they caused all of this instability in our country during al the past years and yet , we have not to faith with them because if there are other power in this world accepting them may be will leave us in worst disastrous situation.

Why there are too many Jewish against this movement of Zionist headed by the Israeli State, which they refused the existence of this State ?? this organization named “ nature-cart, and they do not accept any relation with them, and they are against them because the Zionism’s leaders contribute indirectly with the Nazism and their leader Mr. Adolfo Hitler, to persecute the Jews inside and outside Germany specially in the countries of east Europe, who were under the power of the Government of German.

This secret plan of the Zionist, together with the government of England, executed the plan in the persecution of the Jews, without consideration that may will convert this persecution in Holocaust.

It is important that, we have to know that the population in that time in all the world, no more than 6 millions of Jews, accordance to many of the historians and researchers.

The second world war, was invented by the Zionist movement because they want to avenge against Russia, and because the Kaisers were persecute them and killed too many of them, because they disturb the tranquility and stability of the nation.

The Zionist movement as intruder is very danger to each societies, they were hated by governments and societies, so they motivate immigration of the Jews to east Europe and to the United States of America, and aftermath to Palestine, their intention always to dominate the world specially any superpower where the United States is the victim, specially from the time of the president Harry Truman 1946 on, where they manipulate every leader govern the United States.

What the administration do ??

what the Administration caused to our Nation ??

why they create conflict and wars ??

(We hope from the lecturer to observe this following asseveration, using his wise to analyze conclude the reality of our Investigation).

The power of the Zionists over the American Administration, obligate this Administration to protect the interest of this movement and the existence of the terrorist State of Israel in the Middle East. So the war which declared against the Islamic revolution of Iran when they took the hostages in Oct. 23, 1979, it is unjustifiable, while this revolution promised to eliminate this intruder State of Israel.

For this reason the Administration of the United States declared war against Iran, it is practically was unjustified war, it is not necessary to sacrificed our solders and our Economy to protect a State that was build over terrorists groups who came from different areas of this world to the Palestinian territory !!

This war resulted nothing for us, we could not win from Iran, then our Administration focused to other country (Iraq ), who could declare war against Iran, they attempt to create conflict between Saddam Hussein together with the Arab countries against “Iran”.

The Administration convince Saddam Hussein, together with the gulf’s countries and other Arab countries to make war against Iran, convincing them that, this Islamic revolution will be the dangerous to the Arab countries, But between themselves, their intention is, they know very well that Iranian may cause the danger to the existence of the State of Israel only.

What happened after, the Arab countries as recruiters of this US Administration. They obedience the order of this Administration, and the Arab countries helped and support Saddam to declare war against Iran in sep. 22, 1980.

The Administration felt that who will become more dangerous to the existence of the State of Israel after the cessation of Iraq-Iran war, and after the supposed danger of the Iranian revolution, the Administration on behalf of their leaders attempt to betrayed between Saddam Hussein and other Arab countries specially all the region of the Gulf.

The Administration’s leaders washing the Arab Brains saying that Saddam Hussein is very danger to his neighbors and to all the Arab countries, because he want to become the unique president of all the Arab countries, then Kuwait accepted the idea, that the only way to destruct the Iraqi power is to begin with economy, to cannot develop new military technology that will become the dangerous to the State of Israel.

The American Administration knows that any country of the Arabs if become power in military’s technology, will be the danger to the State of Israel, they decided to destruct the power of Iraq, beginning with the economic first.

So, The Administration said to Kuwait to take their money back from Iraq, which they preset to them, without consideration of 8 years war with Iran. Iraq in the mean time invade Kuwait, so they declare war against Iraq in 1991, after this war, the Administration makes their general block( economical sanction) against Iraq, where it caused thousands and thousands of children were dead in Iraq.

2003 the Administration declare an other worst and disastrous war against Iraq which it cost millions of Iraqi people in addition to the American solders and others of multinational solders existing in Iraq. The question is: Where will be the next stupid war???

Other question is: Are this Administration calculate well the consequences of all these wars and the confrontations imposed between nations in this globe before their action ???

It is the time to our Administration to use their wise to think that, every thing they realize of conflicts and wars or their interferences in the politic of other nation, will become disastrous to our American nation.

What we can tell our future generations about our sad history, when they discover the injustice, the abuses committed by the deferent leaders of the USA against the humanity???

We need to change the form of this Administration’s policy, applying the justice and to honor the democracy predicted by our constitution.

Our advice is to change our policy, to look for friends with peace and love with all nations in this world; this is the real war against terrorism!

The actual Administration is guilty !! clean up this culpability.

This unjustified war, culminate 8 years ago, it cost one millions and half of Iranian youths and women were dead, in addition to the thousands and thousands of Iraqi peoples were dead too.

It cost billions and billions of Dollars, in addition to the monthly payment to the State of Israel of billions and billions of Dollars, and it cost to our people the hate and rancorous from all countries in this world, while the State of Israel is hiding behind the American’s military as well as using American’s military to destroy the Arab and the Islamic nations or any other country who may cause any obstacle to Israel, the question is: How we expect to have good relation with all of Arabic or Islamic people in this world??

How we can make peace with them??

What kind of relation will wait to be with them??

The Zionism are still working very hard to ensure the rivers of money flows into Israel, Although over the deaths of the humanity, they also work very hard to control the consecutive Administrations of our leaders to continuing to execute their plan, and to convert each elect president as servant at their disposal.

About the Jews and their movements, many of our leaders in the history advice their governments and the people of the United States, about the Jews and the Zionist movements for example, Benjamin Franklyn 1789 adverting the nation from the dangerous of the existence of the Jews in the United States and their immigration to this land, he said :

There is a great danger to the United States, this great danger is the Jews, Gentlemen in which every land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and the degree of our commercial honesty, they have remained apart unassimilated oppressed, they attempt to strangle the nations financially when they desired and thorough their interests as in the case of Portugal and Spain.

The Jews are as vampires, they cannot live among themselves, they most live among Christianity and others who do not belong to their race, if they are not excluded from the United States by the constitution, within at least one hundred years, they will stream into this country in such numbers, that they will rule and destroy us and change our form of Government for which we Americans shed our blood and sacrificed our lives, property and personnel freedom, he continuing says: Note :( I advice the lecturer to observe the following situation )

If the Jews are not excluded within 200 years, our children and children’s children will work in the field to feed the Jews while they remain in the counting houses gleefully rubbing their hands.

He said I warn you gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children and children’s children will curse you in your graves, their ideals are not those of American.

He said: the Jews as the leopard who cannot change his spots. The Jews are a dangerous to this land, if they are allowed to enter. They will imperil our institutions, they should be excluded by the constitution. (excerpt from the Journal of Charles Pinckney of south Carolina).

The Jews organizations and the International Zionist movements conspired and Plainfield and designed the world, and how will dominate this world on behalf of their economic and the media powers. Their conspiration and plainfication as follows:

1- dominate the International media

2- dominate the world’s economy

3- development of military’s technologies to invent confrontation and wars, between nations using this methods to accumulate more and more capitals to become the monopolists of the world.

4- They conspired together with the leaders, whose have been recruited as our Administration:

All of American innocent people and all of Arab people specially those defenseless Palestinians, where are thousands and thousands of them were killed, and every day dead tenths of them, thousands and thousands are injures, thousands and thousands are persecuted in their homeland by the Israeli solders and their terrorists Jews groups from the settlements in the west Bank and Gaza.

Millions of Palestinians drafted out of their home land, forced them out of their homeland, where they live yet in refugees camps in very worst situation without clemency, distributed them in different areas of the Middle East, and the question is : What kind of democracy we predicted to the International nations.

As the Palestinian’s Problem, is the corn-stone of the International crisis, it is important to talk the fact of their life.

The aim of this article will examine this international consensus, which has been built up over recent years, by investigating, what the United Nations as International forum closet to represent the views of mankind, prescribes as being Palestinian right.

The United Nations General Assembly and Security Council have passed several resolutions on the subject in the last 58 years ago. Some of these are striking for the near-unanimity of International support that they attract, for example, “ the resolution guaranteeing the right of the Palestinians to return to their homes in those parts of Palestine, that become Israel in 1948, numbers among its support not merely the friends of the Arab world, but also the United States, main ally.

Other element affecting our American innocent people is, the interference of the American Administration leaders in the other countries affairs, “in the internal social-economic and social-politic. The question is: Do we accept any other country to interfere in our internal or external politic ???

One of the principal of the Palestinian rights, was first embodied in General Assembly resolution 194 part(111) of December 11, 1948, which set up the duties of the commission, established in paragraph 11 that the General Assembly : resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live in peace with their Neighbors would be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of, or damage to property which under principals of International law or in equity, should be made good by the government or authority responsible.

To return to the policy of our Administration, the question is: how we declare war against terrorism, if we support and protect the real terrorist State of Israel ?? this is the fact , it is not joke !!, it is not simple words !!

Returning to the last year, how our Administration support Israel giving them prohibited arms to use it against innocent people of Lebanon

We need from our Administration to explain clearly the fact, to our American People, because we need peace, love, and national stability, not conflicts and wars.